Our local staff and programs are only made possible through the generous annual budget allocated to our activities in Nicaragua. This vital fund pays for our local team members' salaries as well as all the necessary work required to make sure each one of our initiatives runs smoothly - without this invaluable resource, none of what we do would be achievable!
First and foremost, it provides the annual salaries, training and development for the 5 local Nicaraguan residents that make up the office staff at FUNDACO. This has enabled them to build meaningful careers with out organization, ranging from 5 up to 14 years with us. They truly make everything possible in Nicaragua, we cherish their dedication and contribution and are proud to be part of their lives.
Secondly, it funds the other costs that the staff need to run the programs. This includes the maintenance and utilities of the office, and maintenance and gas for a vehicle to facilitate travel for rural and outreach initiatives.
This small investment funds the careers of our staff and the tools they need to run all the programs for the year.